Residence Life

For three years in college, I served as a resident assistant (RA) in the campus dorms. I was hired at the end of my freshman year after a rather competitive interview process. My regular responsibilities included developing interpersonal relationships, event planning, fostering community, administrative tasks, building upkeep, resource direction, and crisis management.

My time with ResLife was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. Not because I accomplished anything miraculous or achieved any goal. Instead, the reward was learning and experiencing what it means to live in community with others with all of the ugly, complex, beautiful, and mundane things that come along with life.

My residents and coworkers each year always became the people I was most comfortable being around. I developed deep and meaningful relationships with many people who I wouldn’t have otherwise. The DEI training I received taught me the importance of connecting with people unlike myself and learning from the unique differences in others’ experiences.

The first years of college are such a unique time in life. Living in community with others your age can be exciting and also bring forth some very ugly truths about ourselves. Through my position, I was able to counsel peers through anxiety, depression, identity, relationship, spiritual, career issues, and more. I learned that the only way any of us can make it through this confusing, challenging existence as humans is together. 

The conflict resolution training I received helped me learn to navigate the hard conversations that are necessary for personal growth. Addressing a concern with a roommate, close friend, authority figure, or romantic partner is scary and difficult, but vulnerability is integral to everything that makes us human. I feel more prepared to enter the workforce because of my time as an RA. Not necessarily because of the skills I gained, but because I know how to be a good human.