I was hired by RADEIN Advisors to work in Keene, Texas during the summer of 2022. Radein is a technology company that provides IT support and services to several types of clients but its main focus is supplying and maintaining educational technologies for school districts.
My first day on the job, I assisted in the collection of all student devices for Keene ISD. Radein supplies every Keene middle school student with an IPad and every high school student with a Macbook. Throughout the rest of the summer, I was tasked with wiping, formatting, and updating all of the student devices in preparation for the next school year. Additionally, I cataloged all of the in-classroom technologies (projectors, printers, ect.) in each classroom in all of the Keene ISD campus buildings.
My proudest accomplishment from the summer was my design and implementation of a more efficient device redistribution system. I was told that the previous year’s distribution process was hectic, chaotic, and inefficient. Apparently, parents had to wait over an hour in long lines to get their students’ devices. I set out to solve this problem and create a better system. I designed a cataloging system using google sheets that allowed anyone to look up a student name and find exactly which bin and section their device was in. My work organizing and implementing the new system was well worth it. When it came time for redistribution at the end of the summer, not a single parent had to wait more than a few minutes to receive their student device. My boss said it was the smoothest, most efficient distribution he had ever been a part of.